Francis X. (Chip) Cameron is an attorney and conflict resolution expert, with over thirty years experience in the legal, policy, and technical aspects of the licensing and regulation of the use of nuclear materials, as well as with the preparation of environmental reviews for energy and natural resources projects under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Mr. Cameron has served in a number of senior government management positions, most recently as the Assistant General Counsel for Rulemaking and Fuel Cycle in the Office of the General Counsel at the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). He has a national reputation in the area of conflict management, community outreach, and interest-based negotiation strategy, developed during his tenure as the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Dispute Resolution Specialist and with the management consulting firm — The Zero Gravity Group, LLC. Mr. Cameron’s combination of legal and analytical skills, his solid grounding in the requirements of the environmental laws applicable to the use of nuclear materials, and his conflict management skills, bring a unique holistic approach to a wide variety of private sector and government needs and issues. He is currently a partner in the law firm of CameronGray LLC.
CameronGray LLC, Partner
Clients: Babcock and Wilcox, The Nuclear Energy Institute, U.S. Ecology, Inc.
The Zero Gravity Group LLC, President
Assistant General Counsel for Rulemaking and Fuel Cycle, Office of the General Counsel, U. S Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Senior Executive Service
Alternative Dispute Resolution Specialist, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Associate Professor (tenured), environmental law and policy, University of Rhode Island.
Curriculum design and Instructor for various courses for federal and state environmental project managers on the National Environmental Policy Act,for the Duke University Environmental Leadership Program, including:
“The Law of the National Environmental Policy Act”
“Implications for NRC Project Managers of Recent Federal Judicial Decisions On Environmental Issues”
“Public Participation Strategies for the NEPA Process”
“Cumulative Impacts Analysis: Climate Change”
Development and implementation of an interest-based negotiating strategy for the Prairie Island Indian Community in regard to energy development issues, including renewal of the license for the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant (2008 through 2010)
Facilitation of public meetings on the environmental review for proposed new reactor sites (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 2008 through 2010)
Facilitation of the public meetings on the Generic Environmental Impact Statement on the licensing of uranium recovery facilities (NRC, 2009)
Facilitated collaborative processes on the development of the performance assessment for the disposal of depleted uranium in Utah (Department of Environmental Quality, State of Utah, 2010); the development of the technical basis for the NRC rulemaking on the licensing and oversight of reprocessing facilities (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 2010); the development of the criteria for site-specific performance assessments for the disposal of depleted uranium (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 2009)
Facilitated negotiated rulemakings on the federal student loan program (Department of Education, 2009, 2010)
M.M.A., Natural Resources, University of Rhode Island
J.D., University of Pittsburgh
B.A., Political Science and International Affairs, University of Pittsburgh
Fulbright Scholar, Uruguay
Meritorious Service Award for Legal Excellence, U. S Nuclear Regulatory Commission